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  • In the heart of a golden forest, you find a fairy with a bright and enchanting face. Her hair is a bright red, which seems to reflect the colors of autumn leaves. The fairy's blue eyes are as deep as the sky and sparkle with intelligence and kindness.

    On her head, she wears a golden crown, decorated with intricate carvings that recall the beauty of nature. The crown gives her a regal look, as if she were the ruler of the autumn forest.

    Her dress is a feast of autumn colors: shades of orange, brown and gold blend harmoniously on her figure. Her dress slides gracefully to her feet, following the shape of her lithe body. Her bodice and stockings are black and white with stripes, which create a charming contrast with the autumnal colors of her dress.

    In her delicate hands, the fairy holds a pot of golden honey. The jar shines in the autumn sun, and the sweet scent of honey wafts into the surrounding air. This vase is a symbol of her nature and generosity, and the fairy holds it carefully as a precious treasure.

    The fairy stands in the middle of a golden forest, with trees sporting golden and orange leaves, creating an enchanting landscape. The forest animals gather around her, intrigued by her regal presence. The scene is an image of harmony between the fairy and the natural world, a moment of beauty and grace in a season of transition.

    This fairy embodies the essence of autumn, with her warm colors and the treasure of nature. Her golden crown and honey pot represent her connection to the fairy kingdom and her responsibility to preserve the beauty and balance of nature.

    Honey Fairy Figurine 45cm

    SKU: D6533
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